Let's Stop Heart Disease Together

- High Quality, Affordable Supplements
- Natural, Drug-Free Formulas
- Public Education on Cardiovascular Supplement Benefits
- Prevent heart disease, stroke and diabetes
- Prevent & reverse arrhythmias (irregular heart beat)
- Prevent cancer-breast, ovarian, colon and prostate

Natural Heart Health Supplement
- Boost Energy Levels
- Enhance Mental Clarity
- Elevate Stamina Levels
- Support Immune & Muscular Growth
Natural Heart Health Supplement
- Boost Energy Levels
- Enhance Mental Clarity
- Elevate Stamina Levels
- Support Immune & Muscular Growth
The top-selling Arginine product in the marketplace for more than six years. Formulated by Dr. Harry Elwardt, N.D., Ph.D. and best-selling author of “Let’s Stop the #1 Killer of Americans Today”, Dr. Harry believes together we can slow and potentially reverse heart disease.

Latest In Cardiovascular Research
Optimal Wellness Is A Matter Of Choice, Not Chance
Dr. Harry, CEO and Founder of The Health Guardian, is on a mission to educate the public on cardiovascular wellness. Through Cardioforlife, he offers peace of mind in a world where heart disease is the leading cause of mortality.

About Product
Arginine is a semi-essential amino acid that has shown promise in the prevention of atherosclerosis (blockage of the arteries). L-arginine is pure 100% free form arginine and is the precursor for endothelium-derived nitric oxide (EDNO). Three scientists were awarded the Nobel Prize In Medicine in 1998 for discovering nitric oxide’s role as a vasodilator. In a healthy endothelium (inner wall of a blood vessel), nitric oxide (NO) will keep vessels pliable and elastic, dilate (open up) blood vessels keeping blood flowing smoothly, relax blood vessels, keep platelets and white blood cells calm and prevent them from sticking to the vessel wall, prevent oxidation, slow plaque growth, suppress atherosclerosis and melt away plaque that already exists.
An amino acid which promotes energy, stimulates the immune system, and detoxifies ammonia, which damages living cells. L-citrulline is closely related to L-arginine and is found in many of the same protein-rich foods. In your body, L-citrulline is converted into L-arginine, which in turn increases the production of nitric oxide. This “turbo-charging” effect of the L-citrulline/L-arginine recycling pathway can, in fact, substantially increase nitric oxide production.
Vitamin D, calciferol, is a fat-soluble vitamin. D3 is normally produced in the skin by the action of sunlight but is also obtained from certain foods. Dietary sources are limited however, according to the American researchers. A glass of milk, for instance, contains only 100 units of the vitamin.
Is a powerful fat-soluble antioxidant that protects cell membrane from environmental pollution and from dietary and metabolic free radicals. This prevents the oxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids and cholesterol. By decreasing LDL cholesterol and plaque deposits on the walls of the arteries, it is one of the most important nutrients in reducing probability of heart attack, stroke and atherosclerosis. Vitamin E also helps alleviate respiratory problems and boost your immune system’s ability to fight off infectious disease.
Coenzyme Q10 is involved in energy production at the cellular level, is vital for sustaining life and is found in greatest abundance in the heart. The heart requires more CoQ10 to provide energy needed to pump blood throughout the body. It is also most sensitive to CoQ10 deficiency. Numerous clinical trials have shown that patients with congestive heart failure have low CoQ10 blood levels. Generally, the worse the heart condition, the lower the CoQ10 level. In addition, studies have shown that when administered orally, CoQ10 is an effective therapeutic agent in the prevention and treatment of heart disease.
Omega EFA’s (essential fatty acids) are vital to good health, but they must be acquired through our diets or supplementation because the body is unable to manufacture EFA’s itself. Leading doctors estimate that upwards of 80% of North Americans are deficient of these Omegas and there is a direct correlation with this deficiency in Omegas and the modem proliferation of fat-related diseases such as heart disease, cancer and adult onset diabetes. Over 2,000 scientific studies have demonstrated the wide range of problems associated with Omega-3 deficiencies. The American diet is almost devoid of Omega 3’s, except for certain types of fish. In fact, researchers believe that about 60% of Americans are deficient in Omega-3 fatty acids, and another 20% have so little that test methods cannot even detect any in their blood.
The answer to the so-called “French Paradox” may be found in red wine. More specifically, it may reside in small doses of resveratrol, a natural constituent of grapes, pomegranates, red wine and other foods, according to a new study by an international team of researchers.
Writing in the online, open-access journal Public Library of Science One, the researchers report that low doses of resveratrol in the diet of middle-aged mice has a widespread influence on the genetic levers of aging and may confer special protection on the heart.
Specifically, the researchers found that low doses of resveratrol mimic the effects of what is known as caloric restriction – diets with 20-30 percent fewer calories than a typical diet – that in numerous studies has been shown to extend lifespan and blunt the effects of aging.
This mineral is important for a healthy nervous system and regular heart rhythm. It helps prevent stroke, aids in proper muscle contraction, and works with sodium to control the body’s water balance.
Potassium is important for chemical reactions within the cells and aids in maintain stable blood pressure and in transmitting electrical chemical impulses. It also regulates the transfer of nutrients through cell membranes.
What Our Clients Says About Us
"I am a 74 year old male and have been on Cardio for Life for just over 12 months, I can only say my wellbeing, both mentally and physically have exceeded my original expectations. Regular use of Cardio for Life has brought my hold body and mind into a state of balance, I can not speak too highly of Cardio for Life. I wished it had been available 20 years earlier.
Several of our friends are following our example."

“Here’s my testimony: I had a visible bulge, which others could see, on the left side of my neck that I was told was my carotid artery. There was a similar one on the inside of my left thigh (which I didn’t let anyone else see), which I’m told was the femoral artery. Both were rather painful too. After using the CardioForLife™ powder for a couple of months, I stopped noticing the pain, and looked to see that the bulges were also no longer visible. Thanks!”

Dr Harry, The Health Guardian, actually cares about his customers. I asked for some advise on a couple of things and he personally sent me a lot of helpful information.
Most people just tell you to ask your doctor. He believes in his product.
I use Cardio For Life and it helps keeps my blood thinners to a minimum. I recommend The Health Guardian to anyone looking for some honest suggestions.

I have been a customer of Health Guardian for many years. I am a regular user of Cardio for Life, which I wouldnt be without. This product has been reviewed by my doctor and my naturopathic doctor and they both agree that I should indeed continue using it for my heart health.
The nicest thing is when you contact them for any reason, youre a human being, not just a number.
Love Dr. Harry!

Let's Stop Heart Disease Together
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